The Private Education Act was gazetted in October 2009 by the Singapore Government to strengthen the registration framework and enforcement provisions. The Act also provided for the Committee for Private Education (CPE) to be set up to oversee the new regulatory regime and promote best practices among private education institutions (PEI) to raise standards in the private education sector over time.

The EduTrust certification scheme was formed to regulate, develop and raise quality standards in the private education sector. Please visit for more details and information.

The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect students’ fees in the event that the private education institution is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. The FPS also protects students if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the students arising from judgment made against it by the Singapore courts.

The FPS is compulsory for all local and international students enrolled at PEIs seeking EduTrust certification. Under FPS, students are required to pay insurance fees in accordance to the programme enrolled. 

FPS premium is a percentage of the course fees payable.

At-Sunrice has appointed Lonpac Insurance Bhd for students to be insured under FPS - Group. FPS Master Certificate can be found here. For more information, please visit CPE's website

Yes. All students need to buy medical insurance. The Academy has an insurance package from NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited which all students must purchase from. The coverage includes $20,000 annually for school related activities throughout the programme duration. The current annual premium per student is S$96.30 inclusive of GST.

The PEI Student Contract is a legally binding contract between At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy and the student. The contract clearly states the fees and policies related to the PEI’s programmes. A copy of a PEI Student Contract version 3.1 can be found here


Application fee:
The Application fee is non-refundable.

Course fees:

Diploma /Certificate Courses
Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course
The student will be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any). If the student decides to withdraw, the student is entitled to a refund of the full paid course fee.

Refund for Withdrawal During Cooling-Off Period
The student is entitled to a refund of 75% of the paid course fee if the student submits a written notice of withdrawal within the cooling-off period. 
Cooling-off period is a period of seven (7) working days after the Contract has been signed by both parties.

Refund for Withdrawal After Cooling-Off Period
Upon receipt of written notice of withdrawal, refund to the student is based on the following: 

i.  More than 45 days before the course commencement, a 75% refund of the paid course fee.
ii. Within 45 days before the course commencement, a 25% refund of the paid course fee.
iii. After the course commencement, no refund.


Continuing Education Modular (CEM)
Upon receipt of written notice of withdrawal, refund to the student is based on the following:

i. 7 working days prior to course commencement, a full refund of course fee.

ii. 4-6 working days prior to course commencement, a 50% refund of the paid course fee.

iii. 3 working days prior to course commencement, no refund.

Refunds (if any) will be processed within seven (7) working days upon receipt of notice of withdrawals.


Deferment / Withdrawal / Transfer

Students who are not legal adults at the time of submitting deferment / withdrawal / transfer request must have written endorsement from their legal guardian. 

Students will be notified of the withdrawal and deferment outcome by seven (7) and twenty one (21) working days, accordingly.

The Student Pass (if applicable) will be cancelled within seven (7) working days.


Diploma / Certificate Courses

Students who are facing problems that may prevent them from performing to the best of their ability and wish to complete their course at a later time may apply for a deferment. The student must submit a deferment application to Student Services Department who will obtain approval from Student Services HOD who will then table deferment and its conditions to Academic Standing and Assessment Committee. 


Continuing Education Modular (CEM)

  • All deferment requests must be made in writing via email to
  • The deferment/change request must be notified 7 working days in advance before the course start date otherwise it will be deemed as consumed. 
  • All deferment requests will be charged at S$54.
  • Any deferment request received after the course start date will be considered as consumed. 
  • Deferment is a one-time application. At the deferred intake (if any), further deferment/cancellation requests received 7 working days prior to the course commencement date will also be deemed as consumed. 



Diploma / Certificate Courses

Withdrawal Before Course Commencement
Students who wish to withdraw before the course commencement will have to notify the Admissions Department and complete “Student’s Right to Cancel Agreement” Form.

Withdrawal After Course Commencement
Students who wish to withdraw after course commencement will have to inform Student Services Department and complete the Withdrawal Form.


Students who wish to transfer to another course within the Academy will have to submit a written request. Students will be notified of the transfer outcome by seven (7) working days. For an approved transfer, the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the initial course. The initial signed contract will be terminated and the student will have to reapply for the new course. 

For local students, we accept PayNow, inter-bank transfer, NETS, local cheque, Post Secondary Education Account/PSEA (if applicable). For international students, we accept telegraphic transfer. The details are as follows:

Beneficiary: At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy Pte Ltd
Bank: United Overseas Bank Limited
Branch: South Bridge Road
Bank code: 7375
Branch Code: 343
Account No: 934-342-2489

PayNow to UEN No 198200913C


Note: No payment should be made by any applicant before PEI student-contract is signed. 

International and local students without SSG funding must have a 90% attendance in both the classroom and apprenticeship site. Local students with SSG funding must have a 100% attendance in both the classroom and apprenticeship site (excluding approved leave by the Academy and/or apprenticeship site).


Yes. There is a Student Services department assisting in all student matters.

For more information, please download the Student Handbook.

• Programme counselling • Admission preparation • Student pass application • Medical Check-up

• Student Orientation • Day 21• Buddy System • Morning Line-up • Homecoming • Recognition Programme • Apprenticeship; Partner Visit and Audit • Apprenticeship; Student Logbook • Round Table Session • Counselling • Field Trip • Student Hotline • Lunch & Dinner Presentation • Library • Lunch gathering • Students’ Activities 

Graduating Students/ Alumni
• Career Services Seminar • Graduate Placement Facilitation • Graduation Ceremony • TalentMatch© • Alumni Network


For more information, please download the Student Handbook.

All applicants are advised to submit their application online at Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview/s.

Yes. Knife sets, student uniforms, relevant books and stationery are compulsory items. The Academy will arrange these for you. Payment for these items must be made upon collection. Personal laptops are compulsory.


Class size may vary but is capped at a maximum of 25 students for laboratory class/ 40 students for theory class.

Teacher-student ratio: 1:25 (laboratory class); 1:40 (theory class)

No, there are no breaks in between terms. Students who wish to apply for Leave of Absence due to family emergencies such as death in the family may submit their request to Student Services. Please note that approvals are on a case-case basis.

Study and work rotations are integral to the At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy education. If you are terminated from your apprenticeship site, you will be expelled from the Academy.

No, the Academy arranges  apprenticeships for the students.They are not allowed to change sites as they are graded on their workplace performance.

  1. Students must complete their 1st term requirements before being attached to an apprenticeship site.
  2. Students undergo a rotation of 1 week of study and 2 weeks of work attachment to their apprenticeship site.
  3. International and local students without SSG funding must have at least 90% attendance in both the classroom and apprenticeship site.
  4. Local students with SSG funding must have 100% attendance in both the classroom and apprenticeship site (excluding approved leave by the Academy and/or the apprenticeship site).
  5. Students' feedback and monitoring of their progress is through the student feedback form and student log book.
  6. Industrial Attachment (IA) is compulsory for 18-month diploma programmes and will be reflected in the student transcripts. You will not be eligible to graduate without completing the mandatory Industrial Attachment (IA). 

Students are not allowed to work anywhere other than their assigned apprenticeship sites.

Students are assessed through a variety of methods that may include quizzes, take home assignments, written examinations, daily lab grades and practical exams.

Students have a chance to review their assessment results at the end of each assessment. If the students have any concerns on their grades, they should file an appeal with the Academic Standing and Assessment Committee. A formal appeal must consist of a formal letter stating their request and reasons for the request. The appeal must be submitted within 7 working days after the review of the exam grades in the class. The student can expect the outcome of the Appeal within 21 working days after he has lodged an appeal.  


Note to Students:

  1. A student with Not Yet Competent (NYC) grade(s) is to apply through the Batch Owner for re-assessment immediately upon receiving the result slip
  2. A student with NYC unit(s) from the previous term must complete his/her training and/or assessments before the end of the current term.
  3. Applicable re-assessment/re-module fees will be required. Please ensure that the required fees are paid before taking the re-assessment and/or re-module.
  4. All required competency units must be successfully completed before a diploma can be awarded.

Students are required to meet the following criteria in order to obtain their relevant certifications:

  1. Meet minimum attendance requirements.
  2. Pass all relevant competency units (CUs).
  3. Abide by the student code of conduct.
An enhanced e-attendance taking mode is implemented to improve the attendance taking processes for TPs and individuals from. The focus will be on physical face-to-face and synchronous e-learning courses. The trainees will use a single, credible platform (Singpass Mobile App) to mark their attendance. The attendance will be automatically recorded in TPGateway in real-time.
To ensure seamlessness of attendance taking, we encourage you to download the SingPass App on your mobile phone and set up your account (if this was not done previously) before the course starts. You may like to refer to the following link (click here) for the steps to download SingPass App”.

If you do not have a user name and password you will need to register to apply for a programme.


Register yourself as a user. Once you have registered you will be given a user name and a password to allow you to log back in without identifying yourself over again.


After registering you can submit an application to study a course.


The following items are compulsory and must be purchased before commencement of the programme:

  • Starter kit (Knife & tool set, and student uniform which includes two chef's uniform, one pair safety boots, two aprons & two tea towels)
  • Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)
  • Medical Check-up 
  • Medical Insurance
  • Other books & stationery as required per programme 

Note that students are required to meet the following criteria in order to obtain their relevant certificates:

  • Minimum attendance of 90% and above for each month
  • Pass all assessments required by the programme
  • Abide to the student code of conduct 

Fees to be paid*

  1. Application Fee (Non-refundable)
  2. Administration Fee
  3. Programme Fee
  4. Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)
  5. Medical Insurance
  6. Student Starter Kit

*Prices quoted for programme and other costs are exclusive of GST. Programme contents and all prices are subject to change.

 Payment Schedule:

  • Application fee is due upon submission of application form.
  • Payment for items (2) to (6) are to be made as stipulated in the PEI’s student contract.
  • Fee payment is scheduled over 2 installments, as follows:
    • Upon signing of student contract
    • 9 months after programme commencement 


The online process is detailed and has been designed to accommodate seamless online application transaction. Before you proceed, kindly ensure that you have all the documents required. The file types supported are .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, .txt and .html. Each file must not exceed 1MB. Please note that each attachment field only allows one file per upload.



An annual graduation ceremony is held in July, followed by an alumni reception. For alumni queries, please email .

Job placements are not guaranteed. However, we have Career Services to facilitate job opportunities for our graduates.

The Academy also facilitates job placement interviews for students at the annual TalentMatch© culinary career fair. It is still the responsibility of students to actively find their own placements.


Singapore laws are very strict with harsh punishments for offences which may be minor in your country but can attract heavy penalty in Singapore.

Under the Singapore Law, the following items are NOT allowed to be imported into Singapore:

  • Chewing gum (except oral dental and medicated gum)
  • Chewing tobacco and imitation tobacco products
  • Cigarette lighters of pistol or revolver shape
  • Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Endangered species of wildlife and their by-products
  • Firecrackers
  • Obscene articles, publications, video tapes/discs and software
  • Reproduction of copyright publications, video tapes, video compact discs, laser discs, records or cassettes
  • Seditious and treasonable materials

It is an offence if you attempt to bring any of the items listed above into Singapore

Cigarettes / Smoking
It is officially forbidden to bring any cigarette or tobacco products into Singapore. Any attempt to do otherwise, may be regarded as an attempt to smuggle illegal goods into the country. Do not purchase contraband cigarettes in Singapore – such cigarettes do not have the letters SDPC (Singapore Duty-Paid Cigarette) marked on them. Please inform the Police should anyone attempt to sell such items to you and also note that it is an offence to smoke in non-designated smoking corners in public areas and buildings. The sale of any cigarettes or tobacco to anyone below 18 is prohibited 

Under the Vandalism Act of Singapore, it is an offence to commit any act of vandalism to public and private property without the property owner’s written consent. This includes stealing, destroying or damaging public property; writing, drawing, painting, marking or inscribing the property; affixing articles to the property; and suspending or displaying on or from the property any article. If found guilty of an offence he/she shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years, and shall also, subject to sections 325(1)  and 330(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code 2010, be punished with caning with not less than 3 strokes and not more than 8 strokes.

Chewing Gum
Under the Control and Manufacture Act of Singapore, any import and sale of chewing gum in Singapore, apart from certain types of gum with therapeutic value, is an offence. 

Public Demonstrations / Assemblies
Under the Public Order Act, a permit is required for any assembly or procession of 1 or more persons in any public place or to which members of the public in general are invited, induced or permitted to attend, intended:

  • to demonstrate support for or opposition to the views or actions of any person;
  • to publicise a cause or campaign; or
  • to mark or commemorate any event.

Other Notable Laws

  • No durian in the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)
  • No spitting
  • No jaywalking
  • No littering
  • No urinating in public

Capital and Corporal Punishment
Serious and major crimes may result in the enforcement on capital or corporal punishment on offenders. Crimes that will result in the imposition of the death penalty include murder, kidnapping, drug trafficking and unlawful discharge of firearms. Crimes that will result in corporal punishment, such as caning, include drug offences, rape, rioting, extortion and vandalism. 

Foreign applicants are encouraged to visit the following websites to find out more about studying in Singapore.

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Ministry of Manpower
• Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
• eCitizen
• Ministry of Education
• Committee for Private Education (CPE)