Ever since its establishment in 2001, At-Sunrice GlobalChef Academy has been renowned for its iconic SpiceOdyssey™ experience which brings participants on a thrilling discovery into the world of natural spices used in global cuisines.
SpiceOdyssey™ has traditionally been a capstone project for our various cohorts of aspiring global chefs and F&B professionals before graduating from the Academy. Now you can savour the culinary delights from our SpiceOdyssey™ kingdoms with intriguing names like Aromatics, Intoxicants, Sex & Sensuality. Come, pick up new tips to fire up your kitchen with aphrodisiac properties, authentic influences, healing powers and the spiritual connection of spices.
Upcoming SpiceOdyssey™
- 21 February 2025, Friday
6:00pm to 8:00pm
- 2 March 2025, Sunday
2:30pm to 4:30pm
- 16 May 2025, Friday
6:00pm to 8:00pm
SpiceOdysseyTM will show how herbs and spices are intimately interwoven into the very fabric of life. Each kingdom focuses on a particular experiential aspect of the herbs, where participants interact with herbs and spices and discover their qualities and health-giving properties.